Library Resources
List of Journals
S.No |
Name of Journal |
Frequency |
1 |
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa And Latin America |
Quarterly |
2 |
Palm Oil Developments |
Half yearly |
3 |
Journals of the International Palms Society |
Quarterly |
4 |
The Planter |
Monthly |
CD-ROM/ Online Databases
Access to books, periodicals, CD-Rom Databases and online e-journals
On-Demand Information Search and Document Delivery in Oilseeds
Reference and information services
Photocopying and Document Delivery
Bibliographic service
Current Awareness Service
Data Compilation and Market Intelligence on oilseeds.
Notification of career information
Inter Library Lending
- Sale for IIOPR publications
|  |
Books : 1272
Telugu Dailies : 02
English Daily : 01
English Weekly : 01
Indian Journals : 15
Foreign Journal : 13
Online / Offline Literature Database
Online Literature : Online Journals Access through CeRA Consortium
Offline Literature : AGRIS CD's Literature from 1991 to 2004
Hort CD's Literature from 1973 to 2003